Types of Manuscript
Research Articles
Research Articles are full-length expositions of extensive and significant experimental and/or theoretical studies. The manuscript should clearly describe the reason for undertaking the work, and present methods used and the results found in separate sections. Scientific interpretations based on the findings should be presented in the discussion section. The manuscript should be in the range of 3000 to 5000 words in length excluding references
Review Articles
Review Articles are studies on areas of interest to readers of the journal. They may also be "state of the art" reports or communications. A review article is an analysis and collection of the current state of the research on a particular topic. A review article is not an original article with new data or finding but represents:
- The main people working in a field
- Recent major advances and discoveries
- Significant gaps in the research
- Current debates
- Ideas of where research might go next
Review articles are usually invited by the Editor, although we will consider unsolicited material. All review articles, even if invited, undergo the same peer-review and editorial process as original research reports. These papers are peer-reviewed and are accepted based on technical accuracy, importance, and readability. The manuscript should not exceed 12000 words in length excluding references.
Short Communications
Research Notes or Short Communications are complete, self-contained papers. In style and presentation, they should conform to that laid down for manuscripts, but the length should not exceed 1500 words in the Journal including tables and figures.